The Writer who discovered, pitched and sold the Erin Brockovich story to Hollywood.
Pamela DuMond

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just in time for Halloween - Number One Ghost!

I'm in the midst of selling my house. Let me tell you this is the hardest I've worked at anything since trying to save my marriage to what's-his-name. (Can anyone out there explain to me why I bothered with that one?) Let's hope the house selling thing is more productive, doesn't argue over dog visitation rights, doesn't complain that I don't fold his socks correctly, and looks much better in a pair of jeans. (A girl can dream!)

Between the painting, hauling, shlepping, tossing, cleaning, organizing, sanding, you-name-it, I've had but a few moments to market my new book, Cupcakes, Pies, and Hot Guys. (Only $2.99!)

So I decided to have a SALE for the first book in this series, Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys. (Currently only 99 cents. Squee!) This way people could read the first book in the series to see if they'd be interested in grabbing Hot Guys.

Sassy Girl's Book Club featured it. Friends shared it.  And then,Pixel of Ink picked up on the sale and featured it on Sunday.

And whoo-hoo it cracked the Kindle top hundred and even became the #1 seller in Ghosts!

I'm proud to be sandwiched between Bella Andre, Stephanie Bond. And lookie - Cupcakes is next door neighbors with The Bible! Talk about good real estate.

So - pick yourself up a copy of the first book in the Cupcakes series for only 99 cents and have some fun!


Pam Duond

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's a Boy!

As you might know I have a split personality when it comes to writing.

Part of my brain likes to write romantic Young Adult thrillers. The Messenger's Handbook, (Mortal Beloved, Book One.)

Cover by Michael James Canales
If you like a good love story, this book is in paperback as well as e-books: 

And then there's the snarky part of my brain that likes to write Cupcakes mystery novels that make people laugh. My heroine, Annie Graceland, is a baker with a pinch of psychic ability. Due to unfortunate events, she can now see and talk to murdered ghosts and is canoodled into helping them find their killers so they can pass to the AfterLife.

The first book in this series is Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys. (The second edition has been re-edited and has a spiffy new cover.)
Cover by Michael James Canales Only $2.99 on Amazon. Also available on Nook and Kobo. Paperback coming soon.

Second book in the series is Cupcakes, Sales, and Cocktails - A Novella.

Cover by Michael James Canales

Only 99 cents on e-readers.  Also available on Nook and Kobo. 

And now, I'm proud to announce the latest in the Cupcakes mystery series (only $2.99!) 

Cover by Michael James Canales

Cupcakes, Pies, and Dead Guys Book Description: 

There will be Hot Guys! There will be Romance! There will be Laughter and... Recipes!

Annie Graceland’s a baker with a pinch of psychic ability. She’s empathic— can feel other people’s lusts and desires in her own body. No biggie if she experiences someone else’s craving for chocolate or a foot rub. But due to recent events (See Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys) Annie’s acquired a dicier skill—she can see and talk to ghosts.

Annie’s happily dating an amazing man in Los Angeles when her mom signs her up to be a judge at Wisconsin’s first annual Hot Guys Contest. Who cares if it’s 4th of July weekend with scorching temperatures? It’s a free trip home to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. What could possibly go wrong? When Frank Plank, Mr. Oconomowoc, is killed and doesn’t pass to the Afterlife, he begs Annie to investigate his murder. Now she’s not only a pageant judge, but meddling with suspects that include her former high school rival, an old boyfriend, Hot Guy contestants and a mysterious illegal betting ring. It doesn’t help that a hometown boy from Annie’s past is all grown up, sexy as sin, and determined to make her fall for him. The temperature’s rising in Oconomowoc…

The paperback will be out in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, grab yourself a Hot Guy, I mean a  cupcake, read and enjoy!

(Cover by Michael James Canales)

Happy fall!


Pamela DuMond